Topic Sentences and Thesis Sentences

A topic sentence tells the reader what the paragraph is about. In an essay, it’s more general than the thesis statement, and it’s usually at the beginning of the paragraph.

A thesis sentence tells the reader what to expect from an essay. It’s specific, and it’s usually at the end of the first paragraph. It may do one or more of these functions:

  • State an opinion that you will give reasons for in the essay.
  • Tells the reader how you will explain something.

A.  Write To for topic sentence and Th for thesis sentence next to the following sentences.

B.    Types of topic sentences

Write the correct letter, A,B,C,D or E listed above next to the correct sentence below.

C.  Topic sentence writing practice

1. Choose one of the topics listed below. Write a topic sentence for it.

  • Your Story
  • Learning from Obstacle
  • Challenging a belief
  • Solving a problem
  • Personal growth
  • What captivates
  • Describe a person you admire
  • What is a book you love?

2. Now write a topic sentence for a topic of your own.

3.  Read the paragraph below and write a topic sentence for it.
