Quiz 1 of 1 -- Fill in the blank by selecting the correct word from the given choices.

Number Question Answer Your answer choices
1 An  emotional  state  ___. choices:
1. mooed
2. mood
2 To  walk  through  water  ___. choices:
1. wade
2. weighed
3 Slender,  of  little  substance  ___. choices:
1. slight
2. sleight
4 To  supply  with  wine  ___. choices:
1. whined
2. wined
3. wind
5 If  ___. choices:
1. whether
2. weather
6 Diminutive  of  son  ___. choices:
1. sonny
2. sunny
7 Enthusiastic  agreement;  to  agree  ___. choices:
1. consent
2. assent  (noun  or  verb)
3. ascent
8 Sounded  a  bell  ___. choices:
1. told
2. tolled
9 Company,  honoree  ___. choices:
1. guessed
2. guest
10 A  plant  with  a  fleshy  red  or  white  root  ___. choices:
1. beet
2. beat
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
11 Bent  (pronounced  like  owed)  ___. choices:
1. bode
2. bowed
12 Labyrinth  ___. choices:
1. maize
2. maze
13 Moving  by  lifting  the  foot;  degree  ___. choices:
1. steppe
2. step
14 Cold,  brisk  ___. choices:
1. Chile
2. chilly
3. chili
15 To  cut  ___. choices:
1. sheer
2. shear
16 Far  physical  distance  only  ___. choices:
1. further
2. farther
3. further  (adverb,  adj.)
17 A  structure  extending  out  over  water  ___. choices:
1. pier
2. peer
18 Without  interruption  in  an  unbroken  stream  of  time  or  space  ___. choices:
1. continual
2. continuous
19 Organ  one  sees  with  ___. choices:
1. aye
2. I
3. eye
20 Canopy,  shelter;  projection  over  a  theater  entrance  ___. choices:
1. marquis
2. marquee
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
21 Every  two  years  ___. choices:
1. semiannual
2. biennial
3. biannual
22 To  exchange  for  money  ___. choices:
1. cell
2. sell
23 A  mineral  ___. choices:
1. quartz
2. quarts
24 Twice  a  year  ___. choices:
1. biennial
2. semiannual
3. biannual
25 Sorceress  ___. choices:
1. which
2. witch
26 Avoid  capture  ___. choices:
1. allude
2. elude
27 Mocking,  ironic,  droll  ___. choices:
1. rye
2. wry
28 Foot  attire  ___. choices:
1. shoo
2. sics
3. shoe
4. sick
5. six
6. sic
29 To  shut  (pronounced  like  rose);  nearby  (pronounced  like  dose)  ___. choices:
1. clothes
2. close  (verb,  adj.)
30 To  have  increased  in  size  ___. choices:
1. grown
2. groan
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
31 To  put  a  value  on  something  ___. choices:
1. apprise
2. appraise
32 To  scatter  or  plant  seed  ___. choices:
1. so
2. sewer
3. suer
4. sow
5. sew
33 Apparel  ___. choices:
1. clothes
2. close  (verb,  adj.)
34 One  who  rents  a  room  ___. choices:
1. rumor
2. roomer
35 A  connected  series  of  rooms  ___. choices:
1. sweet
2. swayed
3. suede
4. suite
36 To  moisten;  to  criticize  or  lash  out  at  ___. choices:
1. baste
2. based
37 Narrow  road  or  passage  ___. choices:
1. lane
2. lain
3. lay  vs.  lie
38 A  claim  on  property  to  secure  debt  payment  ___. choices:
1. leased
2. lien
3. lean  (adj.,  verb)
39 To  interfere  unwantedly  ___. choices:
1. metal
2. meddle
3. medal
4. mettle
40 Royal  seat  or  office  ___. choices:
1. throne
2. thrown
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
41 Two  of  something  ___. choices:
1. pair
2. pear
3. pare
42 Female  admired  for  courage  or  ability  ___. choices:
1. heroine
2. heroin
43 A  food;  slang  for  money  ___. choices:
1. bred
2. bread
44 Past  tense  of  blow  ___. choices:
1. blew
2. blue
45 Cries  for  help;  appeals  ___. choices:
1. pleas
2. please
46 You  take  something  away  ___. choices:
1. bring
2. take
47 Smallest  in  size  or  amount  ___. choices:
1. least
2. lesson
3. lessen
48 Understands  ___. choices:
1. knows
2. nose
49 A  period  or  situation  ___. choices:
1. phase
2. faze
50 Having  repugnance  (refers  to  people)  ___. choices:
1. averse
2. adverse
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
51 Shed  or  shelter  for  housing  airplanes  ___. choices:
1. hanger
2. hangar
52 Refers  to  an  uncountable  amount  ___. choices:
1. less
2. fewer
3. under
53 Boat  front,  a  male's  form  of  curtsy,  bending  at  the  waist;  comply  (pronounced  like  cow)  ___. choices:
1. bow
2. bough
3. bow  (noun,  verb)
4. beau
54 A  form  of  to  do  (pronounced  like  fuzz)  ___. choices:
1. doughs
2. does
3. does
4. doze
55 Said  ___. choices:
1. told
2. tolled
56 Unusual;  opposite  of  even  when  referring  to  numbers  ___. choices:
1. odd
2. awed
57 To  use  one's  teeth  to  tear  food  ___. choices:
1. bite
2. byte
58 A  flexible  tube  for  conveying  liquid  ___. choices:
1. hose
2. hoes
59 To  connect,  touch;  an  event  ___. choices:
1. mete
2. meat
3. meet  (verb,  noun)
60 A  blinking  symbol  indicating  position  on  a  computer  screen  ___. choices:
1. curser
2. cursor
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
61 Near,  next  to  ___. choices:
1. by
2. buy
3. bye
62 To  surrender  ___. choices:
1. cede
2. seed
63 Interjection  used  to  call  attention  ___. choices:
1. hoe
2. hay
3. hey
64 Repulsion  ___. choices:
1. disgust
2. discussed
65 A  small,  low  island;  instrument  for  opening  locks  ___. choices:
1. key
2. quay
3. cay
66 To  exercise  power;  to  handle  a  weapon  effectively  ___. choices:
1. wield
2. wheeled
67 Past  tense  of  pack  ___. choices:
1. packed
2. pact
68 The  number  after  three  ___. choices:
1. for
2. fore
3. four
69 Past  tense  of  eat  ___. choices:
1. eight
2. ate
70 More  elevated  ___. choices:
1. higher
2. hire
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
71 To  parcel  out  ___. choices:
1. a  lot
2. allot
72 To  go  unconscious  ___. choices:
1. faint
2. feint
73 To  interlace  thread  or  yarn  to  make  a  fabric  ___. choices:
1. we're
2. were
3. weave
4. we've
74 Cried  ___. choices:
1. bawled
2. bald
75 To  go  in  front  of,  precede  ___. choices:
1. forego
2. forgo
76 Past  tense  of  tie  ___. choices:
1. tide
2. tied
77 In  one  end  and  out  the  other  ___. choices:
1. throes
2. throws
3. threw
4. through
78 Militant,  aggressive  ___. choices:
1. marshal  (verb,  noun)
2. martial
79 A  bun;  to  rotate  ___. choices:
1. roll
2. role
80 To  disapprove  of;  criticize  strongly  ___. choices:
1. censor  (verb,  noun)
2. sensor
3. censure
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
81 Stabbed  with  a  horn  or  tusk  ___. choices:
1. gored
2. gourd
82 State  of  the  atmosphere  in  a  location  ___. choices:
1. weather
2. whether
83 Tightly  stretched  ___. choices:
1. taught
2. taut
84 Short  for  goodbye  ___. choices:
1. by
2. buy
3. bye
85 Listened  ___. choices:
1. heard
2. herd
86 Something  to  hang  a  garment  on  in  the  closet  ___. choices:
1. hangar
2. hanger
87 Shaped  like  a  coil  ___. choices:
1. world
2. whirled
3. whorled
88 Method  of  cooking;  barbecuing  ___. choices:
1. grille
2. grill
89 Condensation  in  the  morning  ___. choices:
1. due
2. dew
3. do
90 Pretense  ___. choices:
1. faint
2. feint
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
91 Someone  who  swears  or  wishes  misfortune  on  another  ___. choices:
1. cursor
2. curser
92 Pour,  proceed,  spew  ___. choices:
1. flue
2. flu
3. flow
4. flew
5. floe
93 Blood  vessel  ___. choices:
1. vein
2. vane
3. vain
94 Dried  grass  ___. choices:
1. hay
2. hoe
3. hey
95 Type  of  tree  with  smooth,  gray  bark  ___. choices:
1. beech
2. beach
96 Actual,  authentic  ___. choices:
1. real
2. reel
97 A  portion  of  something  ___. choices:
1. peace
2. piece
98 Fruit  drinks  ___. choices:
1. ades
2. aides
99 Excellent  ___. choices:
1. great
2. grate
100 Use  onto  if  you  can  add  up  before  on.  ___. choices:
1. ;  on  to  vs.  onto
2. won
3. one
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
101 A  certain  unspecified  number  ___. choices:
1. sum
2. some
102 The  bloom  of  a  plant  ___. choices:
1. flower
2. flour
103 To  discharge  from  a  weapon;  a  stem  ___. choices:
1. chute
2. shoot  (verb,  noun)
104 Remained,  waited  ___. choices:
1. staid
2. stayed
105 Method,  manner  ___. choices:
1. mowed
2. mode
106 An  extraordinary  act  or  accomplishment  ___. choices:
1. feat
2. feet
107 Not  curved  or  bent  ___. choices:
1. strait
2. straight
108 Style  ___. choices:
1. flair
2. flare
109 Advise;  advice,  an  attorney  ___. choices:
1. counsel  (verb,  noun)
2. council
110 Men  ___. choices:
1. guise
2. guys
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
111 Fascinated  ___. choices:
1. wrap
2. wrapped
3. rapped
4. rapt
5. rap
112 In  a  state  of  amazement  ___. choices:
1. odd
2. awed
113 Followed  ___. choices:
1. tract
2. tracked
114 Fibrous  tissue  ___. choices:
1. mussel
2. muscle
115 A  swear  word  or  curse  ___. choices:
1. damn
2. dammed
3. dam
4. damned
116 Metal-bearing  mineral  or  rock  ___. choices:
1. oar
2. or
3. ore
117 Baked  food  filled  with  fruit  or  meat  ___. choices:
1. pie
2. pi
118 Divide  into  two  ___. choices:
1. have
2. hall
3. haul
4. halve
119 City  street;  a  cube-shaped  object  ___. choices:
1. block
2. bloc
120 A  type  of  fruit  ___. choices:
1. plum
2. plumb
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
121 False  perception  ___. choices:
1. allusion
2. illusion
3. illude
122 Type  of  small  berry  ___. choices:
1. current
2. currant
123 In  the  direction  of,  toward;  used  with  the  infinitive  form  of  verbs  (to  go,  to  run,  to  hit)  ___. choices:
1. too
2. to
3. two
124 The  animal  ___. choices:
1. deer
2. dear
125 (pronounced  key)  wharf,  dock,  pier  ___. choices:
1. quay
2. cay
3. key
126 Acronym  for  Acquired  Immune  Deficiency  Syndrome  ___. choices:
2. aids
127 Past  tense  of  whine,  complained  ___. choices:
1. wined
2. whined
3. wind
128 Doomed  ___. choices:
1. dammed
2. damned
3. damn
4. dam
129 Used  with  has  or  have  ___. choices:
1. went
2. gone
130 But,  with  the  exception  that  ___. choices:
1. accept
2. except
3. effect
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
131 Important;  fundamental  ___. choices:
1. classical
2. classic
132 To  stain  or  color  using  an  agent  ___. choices:
1. dye
2. die
133 To  perform  addition  ___. choices:
1. add
2. ad
134 Roof  of  the  mouth;  taste  ___. choices:
1. palate
2. pallet
3. palette
135 Attach;  acquisition  of  money  dishonestly  ___. choices:
1. graphed
2. graft
136 Street,  path,  highway  ___. choices:
1. rode
2. road
3. rowed
137 To  submerge;  to  descend  to  a  lower  level;  where  you  wash  dirty  clothes  ___. choices:
1. sink
2. synch  or  sync
138 Makes  requests  to  God  ___. choices:
1. prays
2. preys
3. praise
139 Indicates  cause  and  effect  relationship  over  time.  ___. choices:
1. ;  because  vs.  since
2. since
3. because
140 A  long,  cylindrical  piece  of  wood  or  metal  ___. choices:
1. pole
2. poll
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
141 Contraction  for  "they  are"  ___. choices:
1. there
2. they're
3. their
142 Fermented  grape  juice  that  becomes  an  alcoholic  beverage  ___. choices:
1. wine
2. whine
143 Not  fancy;  evident;  simple;  treeless  area  of  land  ___. choices:
1. plain  (adj.,  noun)
2. plane
144 Survey  ___. choices:
1. revue
2. review
145 Masculine;  opposite  of  female  ___. choices:
1. mail
2. male
146 A  sphere  ___. choices:
1. bawl
2. ball
147 Large,  mounted  gun  ___. choices:
1. canon
2. cannon
148 Bottom  of  foot;  lone  ___. choices:
1. sole
2. soul
149 Priority  ___. choices:
1. presidents
2. precedents
3. precedence
150 In  physics,  a  unit  of  work  or  energy  ___. choices:
1. jewel
2. joule
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
151 Ahead  ___. choices:
1. fore
2. four
3. for
152 Naive  or  simple  ___. choices:
1. ingenuous
2. ingenious
153 Appearance,  being  present  ___. choices:
1. presence
2. presents  (noun,  verb)
154 Went  after  ___. choices:
1. chaste
2. chased
155 A  plate  of  glass  or  panel  ___. choices:
1. pain
2. pane
156 Having  a  toe  ___. choices:
1. towed
2. toed
3. toad
157 To  enclose  in  a  covering  ___. choices:
1. rapt
2. wrapped
3. rapped
4. rap
5. wrap
158 To  feel  indecisive;  vary  ___. choices:
1. waiver
2. waver
159 Female  organ  of  a  flower  ___. choices:
1. pistil
2. pistol
160 Refers  to  time  ___. choices:
1. all  ready
2. already
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
161 A  bug  ___. choices:
1. aunt
2. ant
162 To  have  more  than  one  meaning  ___. choices:
1. ambivalent
2. ambiguous
163 To  have  mixed  feelings  ___. choices:
1. ambivalent
2. ambiguous
164 Calm  ___. choices:
1. piece
2. peace
165 To  help  forward,  advance,  or  promote  a  work,  undertaking,  cause,  etc.  ___. choices:
1. farther
2. further  (adverb,  adj.)
3. further
166 Extra  s  for  sugary  treat  ___. choices:
1. desert  (noun,  verb)
2. dessert
167 In  what  place?  ___. choices:
1. wear
2. where
168 To  look  without  blinking  ___. choices:
1. stare
2. stair
169 Yellow  center  of  an  egg  ___. choices:
1. yolk
2. yoke
170 Primary,  chief,  leading  ___. choices:
1. main
2. mane
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
171 Lament;  sound  of  suffering  ___. choices:
1. moan
2. mown
172 A  greeting,  informal  for  hello  ___. choices:
1. hi
2. high
173 To  grab  hold  of  ___. choices:
1. seize
2. sees
3. seas
174 Sound  of  a  bell;  jewelry  worn  around  a  finger  ___. choices:
1. ring
2. wring
175 Island  ___. choices:
1. isle
2. aisle
3. I'll
176 Malt  beverage  more  bitter  than  beer  ___. choices:
1. ail
2. ale
177 Sorrow  over  someone's  death  ___. choices:
1. mourning
2. morning
178 Palatial  residence  ___. choices:
1. manner
2. manor
179 Yes  ___. choices:
1. I
2. aye
3. eye
180 Type  of  boat  ___. choices:
1. fairy
2. ferry
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
181 Attacks  ___. choices:
1. sics
2. shoo
3. six
4. sick
5. shoe
6. sic
182 During  or  in  the  time  that  ___. choices:
1. wile
2. while
183 An  inclined  shaft  ___. choices:
1. shoot  (verb,  noun)
2. chute
184 An  abstract  or  brief  account  ___. choices:
1. summary
2. summery
185 For  example  ___. choices:
1. i.e.
2. e.g.
186 Lacking  strength  ___. choices:
1. week
2. weak
187 A  type  of  music;  to  strike  sharply  ___. choices:
1. wrap
2. rap
3. wrapped
4. rapt
5. rapped
188 Computer  term  for  eight  bits  of  information  ___. choices:
1. byte
2. bite
189 Relax  ___. choices:
1. rest
2. wrest
190 Allowance  for  the  weight  of  packaging  ___. choices:
1. tear
2. tare
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
191 Appearance  or  assumed  appearance  ___. choices:
1. guise
2. guys
192 Indicates  time,  answers  when  ___. choices:
1. then
2. than
193 Sandy  area  with  water  ___. choices:
1. beach
2. beech
194 Cunning,  skill  ___. choices:
1. slight
2. sleight
195 Take  from  ___. choices:
1. wrest
2. rest
196 Relief,  assistance  ___. choices:
1. sucker
2. succor
197 Struck  sharply  ___. choices:
1. rapt
2. wrap
3. rapped
4. wrapped
5. rap
198 Location  ___. choices:
1. their
2. they're
3. there
199 To  be  available  or  ready  ___. choices:
1. wait
2. weight
200 Hard-shelled  fruit  ___. choices:
1. gourd
2. gored
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
201 Snow  vehicle,  sled  ___. choices:
1. slay
2. sleigh
202 Seven  days  starting  with  Sunday  ___. choices:
1. weak
2. week
203 Entire,  everything  ___. choices:
1. all
2. awl
204 Earth  element  ___. choices:
1. metal
2. medal
3. meddle
4. mettle
205 Group  of  actors;  to  throw  ___. choices:
1. caste
2. cast  (noun,  verb)
206 Someone  admired  ___. choices:
1. idyll  or  idyl
2. idol
3. idle
207 Bad  habit;  immoral  practice  ___. choices:
1. vise
2. vice
208 Immature  ___. choices:
1. childish
2. childlike
209 Rob  ___. choices:
1. steal
2. steel
210 Chorus,  melody  ___. choices:
1. chance
2. chants
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
211 Uninterested  ___. choices:
1. board
2. bored
212 Praise  ___. choices:
1. compliment
2. complement
213 Work  with  bread  dough  ___. choices:
1. need
2. kneed
3. knead
214 Make  a  mistake  ___. choices:
1. air
2. heir
3. err
215 Type  of  onion  ___. choices:
1. leek
2. leak
216 Illegal  ___. choices:
1. illicit
2. elicit
217 Pulled,  hauled  ___. choices:
1. toad
2. toed
3. towed
218 Star  that  is  the  central  body  of  the  solar  system  ___. choices:
1. son
2. sun
219 A  low,  mournful  sound  of  pain  or  grief  ___. choices:
1. groan
2. grown
220 As  compared  to  another  choice;  against  ___. choices:
1. versus
2. verses
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
221 Male  offspring  ___. choices:
1. son
2. sun
222 Imaginary  being  possessing  magical  powers  ___. choices:
1. ferry
2. fairy
223 Enclosed  in  a  covering  ___. choices:
1. rapped
2. rapt
3. wrapped
4. wrap
5. rap
224 Helps,  assists  ___. choices:
2. aids
225 Pronoun  referring  to  male  person  or  animal  ___. choices:
1. hymn
2. him
226 Of  the  summer  ___. choices:
1. summery
2. summary
227 A  rich  cake  made  with  little  or  no  flour  ___. choices:
1. tort
2. torte
228 An  invention  ___. choices:
1. device
2. devise
229 Day  of  the  week  ___. choices:
1. Sunday
2. sundae
230 Sieve  to  drain  off  liquids  ___. choices:
1. colander
2. calendar
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
231 To  seed  again  ___. choices:
1. reseed
2. recede
232 In  spite  of,  without  regard  ___. choices:
1. irregardless
2. regardless
233 Fog,  fine  spray  ___. choices:
1. mist
2. missed
234 You  bring  something  towards  ___. choices:
1. take
2. bring
235 To  make  lighter  ___. choices:
1. lightening
2. lightning
236 Also,  to  an  extensive  degree  ___. choices:
1. to
2. two
3. too
237 Cleaning  lady  ___. choices:
1. maid
2. made
238 The  total  from  adding  numbers  ___. choices:
1. some
2. sum
239 Short  nails  ___. choices:
1. tax
2. tacks
240 Accomplished  ___. choices:
1. wrought
2. rot
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
241 Vomit  ___. choices:
1. wretch
2. retch
242 Center  or  crucial  part  ___. choices:
1. core
2. corps
3. corpse
243 Said  out  loud;  spoken  ___. choices:
1. aloud
2. allowed
244 Excavated  to  extract  ores  ___. choices:
1. mined
2. mind  (noun,  verb)
245 Someone  under  legal  age;  small  ___. choices:
1. minor  (noun,  adj.)
2. miner
246 Talked  over  ___. choices:
1. discussed
2. disgust
247 Narrowest  part  of  the  human  torso  (usually)  ___. choices:
1. waist
2. waste
248 To  require  ___. choices:
1. knead
2. kneed
3. need
249 Carried  on  the  body;  deteriorated  ___. choices:
1. warn
2. worn
250 Removed  the  center  of  something  ___. choices:
1. cord
2. cored
3. chord
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
251 Gifts;  offers  ___. choices:
1. presents  (noun,  verb)
2. presence
252 To  invent  ___. choices:
1. devise
2. device
253 Construct  ___. choices:
1. billed
2. build
254 Astonishing  ___. choices:
1. incredulous
2. incredible
255 Assemble;  a  judge  ___. choices:
1. martial
2. marshal  (verb,  noun)
256 Someone  confided  in  ___. choices:
1. confident
2. confidant
257 Present  and  past  tenses  of  to  comprehend  writing  ___. choices:
1. read
2. red
258 Offensive,  disgusting  ___. choices:
1. foul
2. fowl
259 Portable  shelters  used  for  camping  ___. choices:
1. tense
2. tents
260 Type  of  gun  ___. choices:
1. pistol
2. pistil
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
261 Opposite  of  backward  ___. choices:
1. foreword
2. forward
262 Having  to  do  with  the  mouth  ___. choices:
1. oral
2. aural
263 A  hint;  a  stimulus  ___. choices:
1. queue
2. cue
264 An  officer  in  the  military  ___. choices:
1. colonel
2. kernel
265 That  is,  in  other  words  ___. choices:
1. e.g.
2. i.e.
266 Small  hole  ___. choices:
1. pour
2. pore
267 Used  for  things  that  can  be  counted  ___. choices:
1. amount
2. number
268 To  suggest,  imply  ___. choices:
1. denote
2. connote
269 Twenty-four-hour  periods  of  time  ___. choices:
1. days
2. daze
270 Any  longer,  nowadays  ___. choices:
1. anymore
2. any  more
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
271 Passageway  or  large  room  ___. choices:
1. halve
2. hall
3. have
4. haul
272 Certain,  sure  ___. choices:
1. confidant
2. confident
273 Means  all  are  ready  ___. choices:
1. already
2. all  ready
274 To  assert;  to  quote  from;  to  subpoena  ___. choices:
1. site
2. sight
3. cite
275 Gem  ___. choices:
1. jewel
2. joule
276 To  smell  bad  ___. choices:
1. reek
2. wreak
277 Mislead  ___. choices:
1. allusion
2. illude
3. illusion
278 Small  container  for  holding  liquids  ___. choices:
1. vile
2. vial
279 The  number  after  one  ___. choices:
1. to
2. too
3. two
280 To  pull,  drag,  or  lower  ___. choices:
1. haul
2. halve
3. hall
4. have
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
281 Awning  cloth,  tarp  ___. choices:
1. canvass
2. canvas
282 Refers  to  a  number  that  can  be  counted  ___. choices:
1. fewer
2. under
3. less
283 Innuendo,  gossip  ___. choices:
1. roomer
2. rumor
284 Not  one,  not  any  ___. choices:
1. none
2. nun
285 Plural  of  criterion  ___. choices:
1. criteria
2. criterion
286 Writing  paper  ___. choices:
1. stationary
2. stationery
287 The  thing  with  rungs  that  you  climb  ___. choices:
1. latter
2. ladder
288 Having  to  do  with  hearing  ___. choices:
1. aural
2. oral
289 A  location  or  position  ___. choices:
1. sight
2. cite
3. site
290 Cracked  voice  ___. choices:
1. hoarse
2. horse
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
291 Ill  ___. choices:
1. shoo
2. sick
3. sics
4. sic
5. shoe
6. six
292 A  flock  of  animals  ___. choices:
1. heard
2. herd
293 Naked,  unconcealed,  plain  ___. choices:
1. bear
2. bare
294 Military  weapons  and  ammunition  ___. choices:
1. ordnance
2. ordinance
295 To  move  back,  withdraw  ___. choices:
1. recede
2. reseed
296 Someone  who  pays  for  room  and  food  ___. choices:
1. border
2. boarder
297 To  raise  a  topic  ___. choices:
1. brooch
2. broach
298 To  agree;  to  receive  ___. choices:
1. effect
2. except
3. accept
299 In  this  spot  ___. choices:
1. hear
2. here
300 Part  of  a  set  with  arrows  (pronounced  like  owe)  ___. choices:
1. bough
2. bow  (noun,  verb)
3. bow
4. beau
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
301 Advertisement  ___. choices:
1. add
2. ad
302 To  sleep  ___. choices:
1. does
2. does
3. doze
4. doughs
303 Moved  on  wheels  ___. choices:
1. wheeled
2. wield
304 Award  or  reward  ___. choices:
1. prize
2. pries
305 To  change  or  alter  ___. choices:
1. vary
2. very
306 Affectionate  term  for  a  parent's  sister  ___. choices:
1. ante
2. auntie
307 Express  approval  ___. choices:
1. praise
2. preys
3. prays
308 To  prolong  or  sustain  ___. choices:
1. perpetrate
2. perpetuate
309 Affectionate  term  ___. choices:
1. deer
2. dear
310 ___  pepper;  a  hot  dish  with  peppers  ___. choices:
1. Chile
2. chili
3. chilly
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
311 A  bauble;  a  piece  of  jewelry  ___. choices:
1. broach
2. brooch
312 Flew  at  great  height  ___. choices:
1. soared
2. sword
313 Twelve-inch  increments;  appendages  at  end  of  legs  ___. choices:
1. feet
2. feat
314 Complaining  cry  ___. choices:
1. whine
2. wine
315 Scorch,  burn,  or  char  ___. choices:
1. sere
2. sear
3. seer
316 Unintended  discharge  of  liquid  or  gas  ___. choices:
1. leak
2. leek
317 Involves  just  two  ___. choices:
1. among
2. between
318 To  twist  ___. choices:
1. wring
2. ring
319 Discover  ___. choices:
1. fined
2. find
320 Evoke,  extract,  draw  out  ___. choices:
1. illicit
2. elicit
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
321 Guided,  past  tense  of  to  lead  ___. choices:
1. led
2. lead
322 A  caustic  substance  ___. choices:
1. lie
2. lye
323 Blocked  from  flowing  ___. choices:
1. dam
2. dammed
3. damned
4. damn
324 Erupt  ___. choices:
1. flair
2. flare
325 The  second  of  two  ___. choices:
1. latter
2. ladder
326 To  strike  violently;  to  flutter  or  flap;  to  pound  as  with  a  drum;  to  defeat;  to  stir  vigorously  ___. choices:
1. beat
2. beet
327 Accident(al)  ___. choices:
1. chants
2. chance
328 Careful,  confidential  ___. choices:
1. discreet
2. discrete
329 Lacking  color  ___. choices:
1. pale
2. pail
330 To  make  less  ___. choices:
1. lessen
2. least
3. lesson
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
331 To  notify  ___. choices:
1. warn
2. worn
332 Slave  ___. choices:
1. serf
2. surf
333 To  view  with  eyes  ___. choices:
1. see
2. sea
334 Parasites;  sounds  of  a  clock  ___. choices:
1. tics
2. ticks
335 Path  (pronounced  like  root  or  rowt)  ___. choices:
1. rout
2. root
3. route
336 A  satirical  show  ___. choices:
1. revue
2. review
337 Top  of  a  mountain  ___. choices:
1. peak
2. peek
3. pique
338 What  one?  ___. choices:
1. which
2. witch
339 A  brilliant  electric  spark  in  the  sky  ___. choices:
1. lightning
2. lightening
340 Was  tossed  ___. choices:
1. throne
2. thrown
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
341 Soldier  using  surprise  raids;  irregular  tactics  ___. choices:
1. guerrilla
2. gorilla
342 Ice  cream  with  syrup  ___. choices:
1. Sunday
2. sundae
343 To  alleviate  or  cure  ___. choices:
1. heel
2. heal
344 Search  for,  peruse  ___. choices:
1. brows
2. browse
345 Appear  ___. choices:
1. seem
2. seam
346 Having  no  hair  ___. choices:
1. bald
2. bawled
347 Facial  twitches  ___. choices:
1. tics
2. ticks
348 Digging  tool  ___. choices:
1. spade
2. spayed
349 Recommendation  ___. choices:
1. advice
2. advise
350 Hidden  stash  ___. choices:
1. cash
2. cache
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
351 Hairy  coat  of  an  animal  ___. choices:
1. fur
2. fir
352 Cut  grass  ___. choices:
1. moan
2. mown
353 Iron  alloy;  determined  ___. choices:
1. steal
2. steel
354 Single  unit  ___. choices:
1. ;  on  to  vs.  onto
2. won
3. one
355 Piece  of  wood;  a  group  of  people  ___. choices:
1. board
2. bored
356 Rule.  Because  and  since  can  be  used  almost  interchangeably  although  ___. choices:
1. because
2. since
3. ;  because  vs.  since
357 Twice  a  year  (same  as  biannual)  ___. choices:
1. biannual
2. semiannual
3. biennial
358 A  unit  for  measuring  the  fineness  of  gold  ___. choices:
1. carrot
2. karat
359 A  low,  portable  platform  ___. choices:
1. pallet
2. palette
3. palate
360 A  law  ___. choices:
1. ordnance
2. ordinance
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
361 Transparent  ___. choices:
1. shear
2. sheer
362 Animal  feet  ___. choices:
1. paws
2. pause
363 People  under  medical  care  ___. choices:
1. patience
2. patients
364 To  refer  indirectly  ___. choices:
1. allude
2. elude
365 What  grows  on  one's  head  and  body  ___. choices:
1. hare
2. hair
366 Foot-operated  lever  ___. choices:
1. pedal
2. peddle
367 To  understand  another's  feelings  ___. choices:
1. empathy
2. sympathy
368 Payment  or  expense  for  travel  ___. choices:
1. fair  (adj.,  noun)
2. fare
369 Three  or  more  musical  tones  sounded  simultaneously;  line  segment  joining  two  points  on  a  curve  ___. choices:
1. cord
2. cored
3. chord
370 A  barrier  obstructing  the  flow  of  liquid  ___. choices:
1. damn
2. dammed
3. dam
4. damned
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
371 Understanding,  comprehension  ___. choices:
1. insight
2. incite
372 Leather  finished  with  a  soft,  napped  surface  ___. choices:
1. swayed
2. sweet
3. suede
4. suite
373 To  stun  or  overwhelm  ___. choices:
1. daze
2. days
374 Except  ___. choices:
1. but
2. butt  (noun/verb)
375 Of  higher  quality  ___. choices:
1. bettor
2. better
376 Story  ___. choices:
1. tale
2. tail
377 A  group  ___. choices:
1. clique
2. click
378 Used  for  comparison  ___. choices:
1. then
2. than
379 A  country  in  South  America  ___. choices:
1. chilly
2. chili
3. Chile
380 Releases  ___. choices:
1. freeze
2. frees
3. frieze
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
381 Hunts  for  food;  victimizes  ___. choices:
1. prays
2. praise
3. preys
382 Objective  data  ___. choices:
1. facts
2. fax
383 Rule,  administration  ___. choices:
1. rein
2. reign
3. rain
384 One  sits  oneself  ___. choices:
1. set
2. sit
385 Intelligence;  obey  ___. choices:
1. mined
2. mind  (noun,  verb)
386 Something  that  promotes  health  ___. choices:
1. healthful
2. healthy
387 Fundamental  belief  ___. choices:
1. principle
2. principal  (noun,  adj.)
388 Person  who  is  an  equal  ___. choices:
1. pier
2. peer
389 The  act  of  giving  a  recommendation  ___. choices:
1. advice
2. advise
390 To  have  cut  grass  ___. choices:
1. mode
2. mowed
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
391 Conjectured,  offered  an  opinion  ___. choices:
1. guest
2. guessed
392 Vast  grasslands  ___. choices:
1. steppe
2. step
393 A  class;  a  path  ___. choices:
1. coarse
2. course
394 A  Latin  term  to  indicate  original  incorrect  text  ___. choices:
1. sic
2. shoe
3. sick
4. six
5. sics
6. shoo
395 Belly  button,  umbilicus  ___. choices:
1. naval
2. navel
396 Religious  ___. choices:
1. holy
2. wholly
397 A  blade  for  rowing  ___. choices:
1. oar
2. or
3. ore
398 A  pole  ___. choices:
1. stake
2. steak
399 Edible  marine  bivalve  ___. choices:
1. mussel
2. muscle
400 Past  tense  of  sway;  persuaded  ___. choices:
1. sweet
2. suede
3. swayed
4. suite
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
401 Lines  of  poetry  ___. choices:
1. verses
2. versus
402 To  possess  ___. choices:
1. haul
2. hall
3. halve
4. have
403 An  animal's  nails  ___. choices:
1. clause
2. claws
404 Past  tense  of  know,  to  have  understood  ___. choices:
1. new
2. knew
405 A  number  ___. choices:
1. shoe
2. shoo
3. sic
4. six
5. sics
6. sick
406 To  carry  on  the  body  ___. choices:
1. wear
2. where
407 Penalized  ___. choices:
1. find
2. fined
408 A  unit  to  be  learned  or  studied  ___. choices:
1. least
2. lessen
3. lesson
409 To  send  liquid  flowing  ___. choices:
1. pour
2. pore
410 Plausible  or  possible;  deceptive  ___. choices:
1. illusive
2. elusive
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
411 Friendly  (refers  to  people)  ___. choices:
1. amiable
2. amicable
412 A  group,  sometimes  a  group  of  musicians  ___. choices:
1. band
2. banned
413 Gain  ___. choices:
1. profit
2. prophet
414 Past  tense  of  go  ___. choices:
1. went
2. gone
415 To  run  away  ___. choices:
1. flea
2. flee
416 One  who  excavates  to  extract  ores  ___. choices:
1. miner
2. minor  (noun,  adj.)
417 Fool  ___. choices:
1. sucker
2. succor
418 Bodies  of  salt  water  ___. choices:
1. seas
2. seize
3. sees
419 Lay  vs.  lie  chart  ___. choices:
1. lane
2. lay  vs.  lie
3. lain
420 A  period  of  time,  an  age  ___. choices:
1. epoch
2. epic
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
421 Someone  who  places  bets  ___. choices:
1. better
2. bettor
422 What  we  breathe  ___. choices:
1. err
2. air
3. heir
423 Swarm  ___. choices:
1. team
2. teem
424 Arch,  crescent,  half  moon  ___. choices:
1. ark
2. arc
425 3.1416,  the  ratio  of  the  circumference  of  a  circle  to  its  diameter  ___. choices:
1. pi
2. pie
426 Period  between  sunset  and  sunrise  ___. choices:
1. night
2. knight
427 Past  tense  of  row  ___. choices:
1. road
2. rowed
3. rode
428 Tree  trunk  material  ___. choices:
1. would
2. wood
429 Rule,  commandment  ___. choices:
1. canon
2. cannon
430 Short  for  facsimile;  technology  that  sends  images  by  phone  ___. choices:
1. facts
2. fax
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
431 Part  in  a  play  or  film  ___. choices:
1. roll
2. role
432 Units  of  liquid  measure  (four  quarts  to  a  gallon)  ___. choices:
1. quarts
2. quartz
433 Is  deficient  in  ___. choices:
1. lax
2. lacks
434 To  exit  one  country  in  order  to  live  in  another  country  ___. choices:
1. immigrate
2. emigrate
435 Flat-bladed  gardening  tools  ___. choices:
1. hoes
2. hose
436 In  the  manner  indicated  ___. choices:
1. suer
2. so
3. sewer
4. sew
5. sow
437 Daring  ___. choices:
1. bowled
2. bold
438 To  cause  trouble,  as  in  ___  havoc  ___. choices:
1. reek
2. wreak
439 Fish  eggs  ___. choices:
1. roe
2. row
440 A  conduit  for  carrying  off  waste  ___. choices:
1. sew
2. so
3. sewer
4. sow
5. suer
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
441 One  who  sees  (as  in  the  future)  ___. choices:
1. seer
2. sere
3. sear
442 Rabbit  ___. choices:
1. hair
2. hare
443 A  bet  placed  before  playing  ___. choices:
1. ante
2. auntie
444 Blame  ___. choices:
1. guilt
2. gilt
445 A  bladed  weapon  ___. choices:
1. sword
2. soared
446 Assets;  essential;  main  city  ___. choices:
1. capital
2. capitol
447 Male  child  ___. choices:
1. buoy
2. boy
448 Correspondence  ___. choices:
1. male
2. mail
449 Refers  to  a  group;  all  of  us  or  all  of  them  together  ___. choices:
1. altogether
2. all  together
450 A  peg  from  which  a  golf  ball  is  hit  ___. choices:
1. tee
2. tea
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
451 Sounds  made  by  disapproving  audience  ___. choices:
1. boos
2. booze
452 Past  tense  of  slay  ___. choices:
1. slough
2. slew
453 Contraction  for  we  have  ___. choices:
1. weave
2. we're
3. we've
4. were
454 Reproductive  germ  ___. choices:
1. seed
2. cede
455 Mournful  cry  ___. choices:
1. whale
2. wail
456 Female  deer  (plural)  (pronounced  like  hose)  ___. choices:
1. doughs
2. does
3. doze
4. does
457 Owed  by  a  certain  date  ___. choices:
1. due
2. do
3. dew
458 Planet  Earth  ___. choices:
1. world
2. whirled
3. whorled
459 People  who  are  without  guilt  ___. choices:
1. innocence
2. innocents
460 Person  who  is  given  a  written  guarantee  ___. choices:
1. warranty
2. warrantee
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
461 Celebrated,  honored  ___. choices:
1. feted
2. fetid
462 Past  tense  of  ride  ___. choices:
1. road
2. rode
3. rowed
463 Yellow  condiment  ___. choices:
1. mustard
2. mustered
464 Contraction  for  I  will  ___. choices:
1. aisle
2. isle
3. I'll
465 Flat-bladed  gardening  tool  ___. choices:
1. hey
2. hoe
3. hay
466 Material  that  makes  up  reefs;  orange  color  ___. choices:
1. chorale
2. corral  (noun,  verb)
3. choral  (adj.)
4. coral  (noun,  adj.)
467 To  do  without  ___. choices:
1. forego
2. forgo
468 Opposite  of  sour  ___. choices:
1. suite
2. sweet
3. swayed
4. suede
469 Boarding  house  or  inexpensive  lodging  ___. choices:
1. hostile
2. hostel
470 Herb  of  the  mint  family  ___. choices:
1. thyme
2. time
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
471 Hindmost  animal  appendage  ___. choices:
1. tale
2. tail
472 An  idea  not  based  on  evidence  ___. choices:
1. presumption
2. assumption
473 To  exist  or  live  ___. choices:
1. be
2. bee
474 Past  tense  of  pass  ___. choices:
1. past
2. passed
475 Only,  solitary  ___. choices:
1. loan
2. lone
476 Statehouse  ___. choices:
1. capitol
2. capital
477 Views  with  eyes  ___. choices:
1. sees
2. seize
3. seas
478 More  daring  ___. choices:
1. boulder
2. bolder
479 Marine  mammal  ___. choices:
1. wail
2. whale
480 One  who  sues  ___. choices:
1. sewer
2. sow
3. so
4. sew
5. suer
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
481 To  synchronize,  to  coincide  or  match  up  ___. choices:
1. sink
2. synch  or  sync
482 To  commit,  as  in  a  crime  ___. choices:
1. perpetrate
2. perpetuate
483 Animal  ___. choices:
1. hoarse
2. horse
484 To  appreciate  a  taste  ___. choices:
1. savor
2. saver
485 Correct;  opposite  of  left  ___. choices:
1. write
2. right
3. rite
486 A  relinquishment  of  some  right  ___. choices:
1. waver
2. waiver
487 Entirely,  completely  ___. choices:
1. wholly
2. holy
488 Aristocrat,  nobleman  ___. choices:
1. marquis
2. marquee
489 A  negative  to  express  dissent  ___. choices:
1. no
2. know
490 Breakfast  food  ___. choices:
1. cereal
2. serial
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
491 Headquarters  (plural  of  base);  builds  on  ___. choices:
1. basis
2. bases  (noun,  verb)
492 To  indicate  without  being  explicit  ___. choices:
1. imply
2. infer
493 A  line  of  people  waiting  ___. choices:
1. cue
2. queue
494 Opposite  of  old  ___. choices:
1. knew
2. new
495 Abbreviation  for  incorporated  ___. choices:
1. ink
2. inc.
496 A  rope  or  strand  of  flexible  material  ___. choices:
1. cored
2. chord
3. cord
497 An  indirect  mention  of  something  ___. choices:
1. allusion
2. illude
3. illusion
498 Rented  ___. choices:
1. leased
2. lean  (adj.,  verb)
3. lien
499 Created  ___. choices:
1. maid
2. made
500 Antagonistic  ___. choices:
1. hostile
2. hostel
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
501 Elevated  ___. choices:
1. hi
2. high
502 Used  to  express  negation  ___. choices:
1. not
2. knot
503 Abuse,  claw  ___. choices:
1. maul
2. mall
504 To  prompt  to  action  ___. choices:
1. incite
2. insight
505 Individual,  distinct  ___. choices:
1. discreet
2. discrete
506 Spun  rapidly  ___. choices:
1. world
2. whorled
3. whirled
507 Ritual,  ceremony  ___. choices:
1. rite
2. right
3. write
508 Lift  up  ___. choices:
1. raze
2. raise
509 Able  to  ___. choices:
1. can
2. may
510 Interlude,  breathing  space;  romance,  fairy  tale  ___. choices:
1. idle
2. idol
3. idyll  or  idyl
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
511 The  sister  of  a  parent  ___. choices:
1. aunt
2. ant
512 Past  tense  of  teach  ___. choices:
1. taught
2. taut
513 Past  tense  of  fly,  to  have  moved  through  the  air  with  wings  ___. choices:
1. flue
2. flu
3. flow
4. flew
5. floe
514 Contraction  for  it  is  or  it  has  ___. choices:
1. it's
2. its
515 Money  ___. choices:
1. cache
2. cash
516 A  social  class,  a  rigid  system  of  social  distinctions  ___. choices:
1. caste
2. cast  (noun,  verb)
517 Aisle  (pronounced  like  oh);  propel  with  an  oar  (pronounced  like  oh);  fight  (pronounced  like  wow)  ___. choices:
1. roe
2. row
518 An  opening  ___. choices:
1. hole
2. whole
519 To  have  removed  the  ovaries  of  an  animal  ___. choices:
1. spade
2. spayed
520 Interjection  used  to  scare  away  an  animal  ___. choices:
1. sic
2. six
3. sick
4. shoe
5. shoo
6. sics
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
521 Lowly  being,  scoundrel  ___. choices:
1. wretch
2. retch
522 Fluid  in  pens  ___. choices:
1. ink
2. inc.
523 Certain  birds  ___. choices:
1. fowl
2. foul
524 Past,  present,  future  sequences  of  events  ___. choices:
1. thyme
2. time
525 Prison  room;  basic  structural  unit  of  an  organism  ___. choices:
1. cell
2. sell
526 A  harness,  usually  for  a  horse  ___. choices:
1. bridle
2. bridal
527 Swamp  (pronounced  slew  or  slau)  ___. choices:
1. slew
2. slough
528 To  have  anxiety  or  worry  ___. choices:
1. anxious
2. eager
529 Saga  ___. choices:
1. epic
2. epoch
530 Small  hotel  ___. choices:
1. inn
2. in
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
531 A  standard  for  evaluating  or  testing  something  ___. choices:
1. criterion
2. criteria
532 A  tool  ___. choices:
1. all
2. awl
533 Quantity  of  heaviness  or  mass  ___. choices:
1. wait
2. weight
534 A  row  or  layer  ___. choices:
1. tier
2. tear
535 Start  of  the  day,  between  night  and  afternoon  ___. choices:
1. mourning
2. morning
536 In  pain  ___. choices:
1. sore
2. soar
537 Forward  ___. choices:
1. fourth
2. forth
538 Excited  ___. choices:
1. anxious
2. eager
539 A  decorative  band  on  the  wall  ___. choices:
1. frieze
2. freeze
3. frees
540 Removed  a  layer  ___. choices:
1. pealed
2. peeled
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
541 Insect  ___. choices:
1. flee
2. flea
542 Bottom;  joke  object;  to  ram  ___. choices:
1. butt  (noun/verb)
2. but
543 Plaza,  focal  point  ___. choices:
1. mall
2. maul
544 A  breach  of  contract  ___. choices:
1. tort
2. torte
545 A  falsehood;  present  tense  of  lie  down  (lay  vs.  lie)  ___. choices:
1. lie
2. lye
546 Stockpile,  amass  ___. choices:
1. hoard
2. horde
547 Ratio  with  the  speed  of  sound:  Mach  2  is  twice  the  speed  of  sound  ___. choices:
1. mock  (adj.,  verb)
2. Mach
548 A  cover  or  partition  of  parallel  or  crossed  bars  ___. choices:
1. great
2. grate
549 Being  born;  beginning  ___. choices:
1. birth
2. berth
550 A  trick  to  fool,  trap,  or  entice  ___. choices:
1. wile
2. while
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
551 Ordinary  ___. choices:
1. everyday  (adj.)
2. every  day  (every,  adj.;  day,  noun)
552 Pure,  virginal  ___. choices:
1. chaste
2. chased
553 Musical  instrument  ___phone  ___. choices:
1. sacks
2. sax
554 An  extended  area  of  land;  a  political  or  religious  pamphlet  ___. choices:
1. tracked
2. tract
555 Water  that  falls  in  drops  from  the  sky  ___. choices:
1. rein
2. reign
3. rain
556 Entire,  complete  ___. choices:
1. whole
2. hole
557 Decay,  decompose  ___. choices:
1. wrought
2. rot
558 Disallow;  person  who  disallows  ___. choices:
1. censor  (verb,  noun)
2. sensor
3. censure
559 To  fly  at  great  height  ___. choices:
1. sore
2. soar
560 Opposite  of  tight  ___. choices:
1. lose
2. loose
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
561 Perpendicular  ___. choices:
1. plumb
2. plum
562 A  collection  of  opinions;  survey  ___. choices:
1. pole
2. poll
563 To  be  ill;  to  cause  pain  or  distress  ___. choices:
1. ale
2. ail
564 Large  bags  ___. choices:
1. sacks
2. sax
565 Head  of  school;  chief;  of  first  importance  ___. choices:
1. principal  (noun,  adj.)
2. principle
566 Vision,  the  power  to  see  ___. choices:
1. sight
2. cite
3. site
567 Kill  ___. choices:
1. slay
2. sleigh
568 Something  lent  for  temporary  use  ___. choices:
1. loan
2. lone
569 An  agreement  or  treaty  ___. choices:
1. packed
2. pact
570 Similar  to  a  frog  ___. choices:
1. toad
2. towed
3. toed
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
571 A  stream  ___. choices:
1. creak
2. creek
572 Purchase,  acquire  ___. choices:
1. by
2. buy
3. bye
573 Fight  ___. choices:
1. duel
2. dual
574 Sixty  minutes  ___. choices:
1. hour
2. our
575 Impolite,  unmannerly  ___. choices:
1. rude
2. rued
576 To  poll;  a  poll  ___. choices:
1. canvas
2. canvass
577 Lost  all  hope,  in  despair  ___. choices:
1. desperate
2. disparate
578 Assembled,  gathered  ___. choices:
1. mustered
2. mustard
579 Diagrammed  ___. choices:
1. graft
2. graphed
580 Solemn,  serious  ___. choices:
1. stayed
2. staid
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
581 Type  of  fruit  ___. choices:
1. pare
2. pear
3. pair
582 Something  additional  or  further  ___. choices:
1. anymore
2. any  more
583 Tosses,  hurls  ___. choices:
1. throes
2. throws
3. threw
4. through
584 An  idea  based  on  evidence  ___. choices:
1. assumption
2. presumption
585 Boyfriend  (pronounced  like  owe)  ___. choices:
1. beau
2. bow  (noun,  verb)
3. bough
4. bow
586 Clever  ___. choices:
1. ingenious
2. ingenuous
587 Help  ___. choices:
1. assistants
2. assistance
588 To  take  action  ___. choices:
1. due
2. do
3. dew
589 No  such  word  exists  ___. choices:
1. regardless
2. irregardless
590 Behavior  ___. choices:
1. manner
2. manor
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
591 Professionals,  experts  ___. choices:
1. prose
2. pros
592 You  are  ___. choices:
1. your
2. yore
3. you're
593 To  make  sure  something  will/won't  happen  ___. choices:
1. insure
2. assure
3. ensure
594 Contraction  of  'who  is'  ___. choices:
1. who's
2. whose
595 Physical  or  emotional  suffering  ___. choices:
1. pain
2. pane
596 Preposition;  inside  ___. choices:
1. in
2. inn
597 Branch  of  a  tree  (pronounced  like  cow)  ___. choices:
1. beau
2. bow  (noun,  verb)
3. bough
4. bow
598 Causing  ___. choices:
1. except
2. accept
3. effect
599 The  hairs  in  the  arch  above  the  eyes  ___. choices:
1. browse
2. brows
600 Enemy,  opponent  ___. choices:
1. faux
2. foe
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
601 To  cry  or  wail  loudly  ___. choices:
1. bawl
2. ball
602 Rough,  lacking  in  fineness  of  texture;  crude  ___. choices:
1. course
2. coarse
603 To  wed  ___. choices:
1. marry
2. merry
604 To  cease  to  live;  the  singular  of  dice  ___. choices:
1. die
2. dye
605 To  listen;  to  give  an  official  hearing  ___. choices:
1. hear
2. here
606 Transmitted  ___. choices:
1. sent
2. cent
3. scent
607 Conjunction  ___. choices:
1. or
2. oar
3. ore
608 Refers  to  physical  distance  like  farther;  moreover;  in  addition;  to  a  greater  extent  ___. choices:
1. further
2. farther
3. further  (adverb,  adj.)
609 A  military  fortification  ___. choices:
1. fort
2. forte
610 To  feel  compassion  or  sadness  for  another  ___. choices:
1. empathy
2. sympathy
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
611 A  blade  moved  by  wind  as  in  weather  vane  ___. choices:
1. vain
2. vane
3. vein
612 Written  guarantee  ___. choices:
1. warrantee
2. warranty
613 Decoration,  badge  ___. choices:
1. mettle
2. meddle
3. metal
4. medal
614 Corn  ___. choices:
1. maize
2. maze
615 Artificial;  ridicule  ___. choices:
1. mock  (adj.,  verb)
2. Mach
616 A  small,  low  island  (also  spelled  key)  ___. choices:
1. key
2. cay
3. quay
617 Alcohol  ___. choices:
1. boos
2. booze
618 A  device  that  measures  heat,  light,  etc.  and  transmits  a  signal  to  a  control  or  measuring  instrument  ___. choices:
1. sensor
2. censure
3. censor  (verb,  noun)
619 To  have  good  health  ___. choices:
1. healthy
2. healthful
620 One  sets  a  thing  ___. choices:
1. sit
2. set
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
621 Type  of  dessert  ___. choices:
1. moose
2. mousse
622 Be  dependent  or  supported  ___. choices:
1. baste
2. based
623 Flatten,  tear  down  completely  ___. choices:
1. raise
2. raze
624 A  body  of  salt  water  ___. choices:
1. see
2. sea
625 Song  in  praise  of  religious  deity  ___. choices:
1. him
2. hymn
626 A  hymn;  a  group  of  singers  specializing  in  church  music  ___. choices:
1. corral  (noun,  verb)
2. chorale
3. coral  (noun,  adj.)
4. choral  (adj.)
627 Back  part  of  the  foot;  scoundrel  ___. choices:
1. heal
2. heel
628 Harness  for  oxen  ___. choices:
1. yoke
2. yolk
629 Barrier  ___. choices:
1. gait
2. gate
630 Stop  ___. choices:
1. brake
2. break
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
631 Boldness  ___. choices:
1. mettle
2. metal
3. meddle
4. medal
632 Interlacing  of  cord  or  rope  ___. choices:
1. knot
2. not
633 To  pay  for  services  ___. choices:
1. higher
2. hire
634 To  remove  or  peel  ___. choices:
1. pare
2. pair
3. pear
635 The  number  after  seven  ___. choices:
1. eight
2. ate
636 A  group  united  for  a  particular  purpose  ___. choices:
1. bloc
2. block
637 Type  of  tree  ___. choices:
1. fir
2. fur
638 An  animal  ___. choices:
1. moose
2. mousse
639 Willingness  to  wait  ___. choices:
1. patience
2. patients
640 Slack,  easy-going  ___. choices:
1. lax
2. lacks
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
641 Base  of  a  plant  ___. choices:
1. rout
2. route
3. root
642 Separate  into  pieces  ___. choices:
1. break
2. brake
643 Defeat  (pronounced  rowt)  ___. choices:
1. root
2. rout
3. route
644 Passageway  ___. choices:
1. aisle
2. I'll
3. isle
645 Nervous  strain  ___. choices:
1. tents
2. tense
646 Cheerful  ___. choices:
1. merry
2. marry
647 Having  to  do  with  the  climax  ___. choices:
1. climatic
2. climactic
648 A  group  of  traveling  performers  ___. choices:
1. troupe
2. troop
649 Introduction  to  a  book  written  by  someone  other  than  the  author  ___. choices:
1. forward
2. foreword
650 Edible  root  ___. choices:
1. karat
2. carrot
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
651 Movement  upward  ___. choices:
1. assent  (noun  or  verb)
2. consent
3. ascent
652 A  manner  of  walking  or  stepping,  stride;  Examples:  trotting,  galloping,  limping  ___. choices:
1. gait
2. gate
653 A  narcotic  derived  from  morphine  ___. choices:
1. heroine
2. heroin
654 A  large  group,  crowd  ___. choices:
1. horde
2. hoard
655 Chart  of  days  and  months  ___. choices:
1. colander
2. calendar
656 Breaking  waves;  to  ride  a  surfboard  ___. choices:
1. serf
2. surf
657 Line  formed  by  pieces  of  fabric  sewn  together  ___. choices:
1. seem
2. seam
658 Innocent  ___. choices:
1. childlike
2. childish
659 Involves  three  or  more  ___. choices:
1. among
2. between
660 Form  of  be  used  with  has  or  have  ___. choices:
1. bin
2. been
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
661 A  soldier  in  the  Middle  Ages  ___. choices:
1. knight
2. night
662 Used  for  direction  ___. choices:
1. under
2. fewer
3. less
663 To  make  cold  ___. choices:
1. freeze
2. frieze
3. frees
664 4th,  number  after  third  ___. choices:
1. fourth
2. forth
665 A  body  of  soldiers  ___. choices:
1. troop
2. troupe
666 Glance  furtively  ___. choices:
1. peek
2. pique
3. peak
667 A  vessel  or  a  refuge  ___. choices:
1. arc
2. ark
668 Bit,  harness  ___. choices:
1. reign
2. rein
3. rain
669 Container  ___. choices:
1. been
2. bin
670 To  be  a  sign  of  ___. choices:
1. connote
2. denote
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
671 Agreement  ___. choices:
1. consent
2. assent  (noun  or  verb)
3. ascent
672 To  have  viewed  with  eyes  ___. choices:
1. seen
2. scene
673 A  group  of  people  meeting  for  a  purpose  ___. choices:
1. counsel  (verb,  noun)
2. council
674 Not  fatty;  to  incline  ___. choices:
1. leased
2. lien
3. lean  (adj.,  verb)
675 Repulsive,  depraved  ___. choices:
1. vile
2. vial
676 Stumble,  falter  ___. choices:
1. reel
2. real
677 To  have  put  on  a  scale  ___. choices:
1. wade
2. weighed
678 Pertaining  to  ships  ___. choices:
1. navel
2. naval
679 Fashion  ___. choices:
1. stile
2. style
680 One  who  inherits  something  ___. choices:
1. err
2. heir
3. air
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
681 People  who  help;  assistants  ___. choices:
1. ades
2. aides
682 Turnstile,  passageway  ___. choices:
1. style
2. stile
683 Male  pig  ___. choices:
1. boar
2. bore
684 Cut  of  meat  ___. choices:
1. steak
2. stake
685 Unbaked  loaves  of  bread  ___. choices:
1. does
2. does
3. doughs
4. doze
686 Withered,  dry  ___. choices:
1. sere
2. sear
3. seer
687 Percent  of  earnings  paid  to  the  government  ___. choices:
1. tacks
2. tax
688 Up  to  date  ___. choices:
1. currant
2. current
689 To  enter  a  new  country  to  live  ___. choices:
1. immigrate
2. emigrate
690 Grain  ___. choices:
1. flower
2. flour
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
691 Past  tense  of  are  ___. choices:
1. we're
2. weave
3. were
4. we've
692 Fermented  ___. choices:
1. brood  (verb,  noun)
2. brewed
693 Many  groups  ___. choices:
1. cruise
2. crews
694 Completing  part  of  an  order  ___. choices:
1. complement
2. compliment
695 Female  member  of  a  religious  order  ___. choices:
1. nun
2. none
696 To  stitch  ___. choices:
1. so
2. sewer
3. sow
4. sew
5. suer
697 To  measure  mass  ___. choices:
1. way
2. weigh
698 Gave  permission  to  ___. choices:
1. allowed
2. aloud
699 Unit  of  weight  in  gemstones  ___. choices:
1. carat
2. caret
700 Sheet  of  floating  ice  ___. choices:
1. flue
2. flu
3. floe
4. flew
5. flow
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
701 Past  tense  of  breed;  raised  ___. choices:
1. bread
2. bred
702 What  one  does  to  keep  a  watch  ticking  on  time  (pronounced  like  kind);  air  current  (pronounced  like  sinned)  ___. choices:
1. wind
2. whined
3. wined
703 Used  for  things  not  countable  ___. choices:
1. number
2. amount
704 Perimeter;  boundary  ___. choices:
1. boarder
2. border
705 Predictor,  seer  ___. choices:
1. prophet
2. profit
706 Impartial;  an  exhibition  ___. choices:
1. fair  (adj.,  noun)
2. fare
707 To  wound  someone's  pride  or  to  excite  interest  ___. choices:
1. pique
2. peak
3. peek
708 Narrow  passage  of  water  connecting  two  bodies  of  water  ___. choices:
1. strait
2. straight
709 Unfortunate;  strongly  opposed  (refers  to  things,  not  people)  ___. choices:
1. adverse
2. averse
710 A  sound  ___. choices:
1. creek
2. creak
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
711 A  series  or  array  ___. choices:
1. serial
2. cereal
712 To  issue  an  insurance  policy  ___. choices:
1. insure
2. assure
3. ensure
713 Low  vocal  or  instrumental  range  (pronounced  like  lace);  a  type  of  fish  (pronounced  like  lass)  ___. choices:
1. bass
2. base
714 A  large  rock  ___. choices:
1. boulder
2. bolder
715 A  smell,  aroma  ___. choices:
1. scent
2. cent
3. sent
716 A  color  ___. choices:
1. read
2. red
717 Salt  water  coming  from  eyes  when  sad  (pronounced  like  ear)  ___. choices:
1. tier
2. tear
718 Having  to  do  with  Greek  or  Roman  antiquity;  pertaining  to  eighteenth-to  nineteenth-century  music  ___. choices:
1. classic
2. classical
719 Gold-covered  ___. choices:
1. guilt
2. gilt
720 To  squander  or  spend  uselessly  ___. choices:
1. waste
2. waist
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
721 To  perturb  or  fluster  ___. choices:
1. phase
2. faze
722 Failed  to  hit  ___. choices:
1. mist
2. missed
723 The  bottom;  vulgar;  headquarters  (singular)  ___. choices:
1. base
2. bass
724 Possessive  pronoun  ___. choices:
1. you're
2. yore
3. your
725 To  promise  or  say  with  confidence  ___. choices:
1. assure
2. insure
3. ensure
726 Regretted,  repented  ___. choices:
1. rued
2. rude
727 Examples,  criteria  ___. choices:
1. presidents
2. precedence
3. precedents
728 Agonizing  struggles  ___. choices:
1. threw
2. throes
3. through
4. throws
729 Excessively  concerned  about  one's  appearance  ___. choices:
1. vein
2. vain
3. vane
730 Past  tense  of  win  ___. choices:
1. ;  on  to  vs.  onto
2. won
3. one
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
731 Skeptical  ___. choices:
1. incredible
2. incredulous
732 A  beverage  ___. choices:
1. tea
2. tee
733 Not  active;  unemployed  ___. choices:
1. idol
2. idyll  or  idyl
3. idle
734 Friendly  (refers  to  things,  not  people)  ___. choices:
1. amicable
2. amiable
735 Forbidden  ___. choices:
1. banned
2. band
736 Rip,  pull  apart  ___. choices:
1. tear
2. tare
737 To  sign  along  with  ___. choices:
1. cosine
2. cosign
738 Administer,  allot  ___. choices:
1. mete
2. meat
3. meet  (verb,  noun)
739 Having  to  do  with  the  climate  ___. choices:
1. climactic
2. climatic
740 Largest  of  the  apes  ___. choices:
1. guerrilla
2. gorilla
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
741 Part  of  a  chimney  ___. choices:
1. floe
2. flue
3. flow
4. flu
5. flew
742 A  range  of  colors;  a  board  to  hold  and  mix  colors  ___. choices:
1. palate
2. palette
3. pallet
743 People  who  help  ___. choices:
1. assistants
2. assistance
744 Past  tense  of  throw  ___. choices:
1. through
2. throes
3. threw
4. throws
745 Repeated  but  with  breaks  in  between;  chronic  ___. choices:
1. continual
2. continuous
746 Long  past  ___. choices:
1. yore
2. your
3. you're
747 Animal  flesh  used  for  food  ___. choices:
1. meet  (verb,  noun)
2. meat
3. mete
748 Expressing  an  intention  ___. choices:
1. would
2. wood
749 Entirely  dissimilar  ___. choices:
1. disparate
2. desperate
750 Pedestal,  usually  religious  ___. choices:
1. alter
2. altar
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
751 How  one  eats  food  with  teeth  ___. choices:
1. choose
2. chews
752 A  desolate  area;  to  abandon  ___. choices:
1. desert  (noun,  verb)
2. dessert
753 The  sound  a  cow  made  ___. choices:
1. mooed
2. mood
754 Chief  executives  ___. choices:
1. presidents
2. precedents
3. precedence
755 Each  day  ___. choices:
1. every  day  (every,  adj.;  day,  noun)
2. everyday  (adj.)
756 An  openwork  barrier  for  a  gate  ___. choices:
1. grille
2. grill
757 In  one  place  ___. choices:
1. stationary
2. stationery
758 A  temporary  stop  ___. choices:
1. pause
2. paws
759 Two-fold  ___. choices:
1. duel
2. dual
760 A  metal  element  (pronounced  like  red);  present  tense  of  led  (pronounced  like  seed)  ___. choices:
1. lead
2. led
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
761 Noxious,  gross  ___. choices:
1. fetid
2. feted
762 Direction  ___. choices:
1. way
2. weigh
763 Indicate  happening  after.  ___. choices:
1. because
2. ;  because  vs.  since
3. since
764 To  conclude  from  evidence  ___. choices:
1. infer
2. imply
765 A  polite  word;  to  satisfy  ___. choices:
1. please
2. pleas
766 Extremely  ___. choices:
1. vary
2. very
767 The  spiritual  part  of  humans  ___. choices:
1. soul
2. sole
768 To  compose  letters  or  words  ___. choices:
1. rite
2. write
3. right
769 Mull  over;  a  cluster  or  family  ___. choices:
1. brewed
2. brood  (verb,  noun)
770 Having  to  do  with  a  chorus  or  a  choir  ___. choices:
1. chorale
2. corral  (noun,  verb)
3. coral  (noun,  adj.)
4. choral  (adj.)
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
771 Device  used  to  hold  an  object  firmly  ___. choices:
1. vise
2. vice
772 To  have  gone  bowling;  knocked  over  ___. choices:
1. bowled
2. bold
773 By  memory,  formula  ___. choices:
1. wrote
2. rote
774 Looks  closely;  wedges  open  ___. choices:
1. prize
2. pries
775 Possessive  case  of  who  ___. choices:
1. whose
2. who's
776 A  virus  ___. choices:
1. flew
2. flue
3. flow
4. flu
5. floe
777 Past  tense  of  write  ___. choices:
1. wrote
2. rote
778 Bucket  ___. choices:
1. pail
2. pale
779 Part  of  the  body  one  smells  with  ___. choices:
1. knows
2. nose
780 A  trip  or  vacation  by  sea  ___. choices:
1. cruise
2. crews
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
781 To  be  without  guilt  ___. choices:
1. innocents
2. innocence
782 Foundation;  belief  ___. choices:
1. bases  (noun,  verb)
2. basis
783 Literature  ___. choices:
1. pros
2. prose
784 Long  hair  on  the  back  of  a  horse  or  lion  ___. choices:
1. main
2. mane
785 Pronoun  ___. choices:
1. aye
2. eye
3. I
786 Difficult  to  describe,  evasive  ___. choices:
1. elusive
2. illusive
787 Preposition  ___. choices:
1. for
2. four
3. fore
788 Predict  ___. choices:
1. bowed
2. bode
789 Ebb  and  flow  of  the  ocean  ___. choices:
1. tide
2. tied
790 The  color  ___. choices:
1. blue
2. blew
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
791 Always  two  words  meaning  many  ___. choices:
1. a  lot
2. allot
792 To  do  to  excess  ___. choices:
1. overdo
2. overdue
793 In  grammar,  a  group  of  words  containing  a  subject  and  verb;  part  of  a  contract  ___. choices:
1. claws
2. clause
794 Permission  to  ___. choices:
1. can
2. may
795 Someone's  strong  point,  talent  ___. choices:
1. fort
2. forte
796 Group  playing  on  the  same  side  in  a  game  ___. choices:
1. teem
2. team
797 A  penny  ___. choices:
1. sent
2. scent
3. cent
798 Contraction  for  we  are  ___. choices:
1. were
2. we've
3. weave
4. we're
799 One  who  saves  ___. choices:
1. savor
2. saver
800 A  trigonometry  term  ___. choices:
1. sine
2. sign
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
801 To  pick  ___. choices:
1. choose
2. chews
802 A  naval  beacon  or  marker  ___. choices:
1. buoy
2. boy
803 Past  due  ___. choices:
1. overdue
2. overdo
804 Hit  with  one's  knee  ___. choices:
1. need
2. kneed
3. knead
805 Dead  body  ___. choices:
1. corpse
2. core
3. corps
806 A  proofreading  mark  to  show  insertion  (^)  ___. choices:
1. carat
2. caret
807 Understand,  comprehend  ___. choices:
1. no
2. know
808 Someone  or  something  not  interesting  ___. choices:
1. boar
2. bore
809 Trained  group  ___. choices:
1. corpse
2. corps
3. core
810 A  seed  ___. choices:
1. kernel
2. colonel
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
811 A  boat  dock;  bedroom  or  bed  ___. choices:
1. birth
2. berth
812 Fake,  imitation  ___. choices:
1. foe
2. faux
813 Lit  or  warmed  by  the  sun;  cheerful  ___. choices:
1. sunny
2. sonny
814 Relating  to  brides  ___. choices:
1. bridle
2. bridal
815 Step  ___. choices:
1. stare
2. stair
816 A  flat  or  level  surface;  short  for  airplane  ___. choices:
1. plain  (adj.,  noun)
2. plane
817 Entirely  ___. choices:
1. altogether
2. all  together
818 Opposite  of  win;  misplace  ___. choices:
1. lose
2. loose
819 Rang  bells  ___. choices:
1. peeled
2. pealed
820 Seed  from  a  grain  ___. choices:
1. wry
2. rye
Number Question Answer Your answer choices
821 A  view,  a  setting  ___. choices:
1. seen
2. scene
822 Past  participle  of  lie  as  in  lie  down  ___. choices:
1. lane
2. lay  vs.  lie
3. lain
823 To  sell,  hawk,  or  dispense  ___. choices:
1. peddle
2. pedal
824 A  horse  pen;  to  confine  ___. choices:
1. coral  (noun,  adj.)
2. corral  (noun,  verb)
3. chorale
4. choral  (adj.)
825 Charged  a  fee  ___. choices:
1. build
2. billed
826 To  modify  ___. choices:
1. alter
2. altar
827 An  indication  ___. choices:
1. sign
2. sine
828 The  time  before  the  present  ___. choices:
1. past
2. passed
  by Mosh   Suggestions?