Quiz 3 of 50 -- SAT word used in a sentence

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 Please try not to include so many _____ details in your report; just give me the bare facts. 1 Credulity
2 Trepidation
3 Immutable
4 Dissuade
5 Superfluous
2 I represent his _____ because he is no better than we are. 1 Nullify
2 Mercenary
3 Cursory
4 Acquiesce
5 Haughtiness
3 We lived, not in central London, but in one of those _____ suburbs that spring up on the outskirts of a great city. 1 Conviction
2 Terse
3 Incorrigible
4 Ostentatious
5 Peripheral
4 The police fired tear gas into the crowd to _____ the protesters. 1 Disperse
2 Stupefy
3 Debilitate
4 Censure
5 Ostentatious
5 The rule was _____d by the committee after it was clear that it would not be effective. 1 Skeptical
2 Abrogate
3 Poignant
4 Astute
5 Legacy
6 The smooth features of his youth had turned into the _____ face of a worn - out old man. 1 Haggard
2 Implication
3 Inalienable
4 Lethargic
5 Futile
7 Heifetz is a violin _____. 1 Criterion
2 Aplomb
3 Intractable
4 Ironic
5 Virtuoso
8 If the speaker was nervous she didn't show it, facing the audience with _____. 1 Augment
2 Aplomb
3 Inadvertently
4 Debilitate
5 Recluse
9 The _____ window shade kept the sunlight out of the room. 1 Vapid
2 Potpourri
3 Sanction
4 Austerity
5 Opaque
10 The earthquake wreaked many homes and sent hordes of people into _____. 1 Pandemonium
2 Capitulate
3 Dilatory
4 Resilience
5 Trepidation
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 It is _____ that his success came when he least wanted it. 1 Blatant
2 Ambivalence
3 Ironic
4 Lethargic
5 Debonair
12 Despite all attempts to decipher the code, it remained an _____. 1 Scrupulous
2 Enigma
3 Philanthropist
4 Trepidation
5 Exemplary
13 He has such a _____ personality that one never knows what kind of mood he will be in. 1 Exorbitant
2 Mitigate
3 Lethargic
4 Volatile
5 Prodigal
14 Laura refused to take sleeping pills or any other medicine that might _____ her. 1 Stupefy
2 Unkempt
3 Nurture
4 Zealot
5 Succinct
15 Your reasoning must be _____ because it leads to a ridiculous answer. 1 Prodigal
2 Relegate
3 Fallacious
4 Oscillation
5 Emulate
16 The _____s urged that we reduce our military budget and recall our troops stationed overseas. 1 Histrionic
2 Pacifist
3 Regression
4 Stupefy
5 Irresolute
17 He gave an _____ reply to the question to avoid answering directly. 1 Peripheral
2 Equivocal
3 Indict
4 Dilatory
5 Acquiesce
18 His _____ instructions misled us; we did not know which road to take. 1 Pervasive
2 Ambiguous
3 Gravity
4 Exonerate
5 Divergent
19 Some contemporary musicians deliberately use _____ to achieve certain effects. 1 Bequeath
2 Sagacious
3 Dissonance
4 Benign
5 Compliance
20 It is _____ that you will come to our aid if we are attacked. 1 Dilatory
2 Disperse
3 Implicit
4 Incidental
5 Bequeath
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 The horse was _____ and refused to enter the starting gate. 1 Intractable
2 Divergent
3 Sagacious
4 Vacillation
5 Magnanimous
22 The old roof was full of _____s, sagging and bulging like a tin ocean. 1 Sanction
2 Innovation
3 Undulation
4 Capricious
5 Predilection
23 We could hardly accuse him of _____: his nephew really is the best - qualified candidate for the job. 1 Nepotism
2 Aplomb
3 Connoisseur
4 Inane
5 Sanction
24 Everyone expects at least a _____ of praise for his accomplishments. 1 Modicum
2 Irresolute
3 Solemnity
4 Profound
5 Discursive
25 Torn between loving her parents one-minute and hating them the next, she was confused by the _____ of her feelings. 1 Fiasco
2 Satirical
3 Disdain
4 Pacifist
5 Ambivalence
26 The senator is so obsessed with power that he must suffer from _____. 1 Umbrage
2 Garbled
3 Peripheral
4 Vilify
5 Megalomania
27 Many social workers have attempted to _____ the conditions of people living in the slums. 1 Garbled
2 Sanction
3 Megalomania
4 Ameliorate
5 Converge
28 Some mornings I feel a great _____ to get out of bed. 1 Disinclination
2 Undulation
3 Blatant
4 Unbridled
5 Reprehensible
29 The waitress disliked serving him dinner because of his very _____ taste. 1 Redundant
2 Duplicity
3 Preclude
4 Fastidious
5 Disdain
30 The airline decided to _____ its new route to the Far East with a special reduced fare offer. 1 Simulated
2 Unobtrusive
3 Inaugurate
4 Savory
5 Discerning
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 This test should provide us with a _____ analysis of the value of this course. 1 Archaic
2 Incorrigible
3 Pragmatic
4 Innocuous
5 Ecstatic
32 He is only a _____ president; he does not have any real powers. Her fee is so _____ that she will never get rich from it. 1 Nominal
2 Ebullient
3 Undulation
4 Disparity
5 Mercenary
33 The new justices, who were a strict and solemn group, maintained the _____ and dignity of the court. 1 Grotesque
2 Austerity
3 Ruminate
4 Equivocal
5 Lucid
34 Reed had no patience with the conservative views _____ in the America of his day. 1 Cursory
2 Prevalent
3 Regression
4 Proximity
5 Unkempt
35 She _____ed his invitation so smoothly that he did not realize he had been snubbed. 1 Vicarious
2 Indulgent
3 Repercussion
4 Despondent
5 Rebuff
36 The head of a modern school should not have _____ ideas. 1 Prodigal
2 Inaugurate
3 Opulence
4 Archaic
5 Delineate
37 He is must too _____ to be fooled by a trick like that. 1 Ingenuous
2 Guile
3 Sagacious
4 Enervate
5 Pacifist
38 The lawyer was pleased when the case was sent to Judge Smith's chambers because Smith was noted for her _____ toward first offenders. 1 Venerate
2 Vilify
3 Exonerate
4 Acquiesce
5 Clemency
39 His frequent use of clichés made his essay seem _____. 1 Immutable
2 Intermittent
3 Nullify
4 Banal
5 Scrupulous
40 I hope I can find someone who speaks English in this _____ neighborhood. 1 Ebullient
2 Polyglot
3 Volatile
4 Lethargic
5 Sobriety
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 Visitors from less wealthy lands are amazed and impressed by the _____ of this country. 1 Arbitrary
2 Opulence
3 Preclude
4 Commodious
5 Skeptical
42 If I understand the _____s of your remark, you do not trust our captain. 1 Implication
2 Plausible
3 Pacifist
4 Ingenuous
5 Innocuous
43 That song is particularly _____ of my college days. 1 Oscillation
2 Garbled
3 Ingenuous
4 Prodigal
5 Reminiscent
44 _____ parents spoil their children by giving in to their every whim. 1 Infiltrate
2 Effervescent
3 Indulgent
4 Dilatory
5 Abrogate
45 Although the artist used various media from time to time, she had a _____ for watercolors. 1 Fanaticism
2 Modicum
3 Innate
4 Superfluous
5 Predilection
46 I am sure this letter naming the actual culprit will _____ you. 1 Laconic
2 Volatile
3 Aggrandizement
4 Exonerate
5 Vicarious
47 Once the contract was _____, it no longer had any legal force. 1 Mercenary
2 Equivocal
3 Savory
4 Incorrigible
5 Nullify
48 The beggar was dirty and _____. 1 Precedent
2 Savory
3 Unkempt
4 Gnarled
5 Guile
49 The _____ expression on his face aroused our sympathy. 1 Recluse
2 Lugubrious
3 Venerate
4 Emaciated
5 Poignant
50 I will not be _____d into granting you your wish. 1 Eclectic
2 Emaciated
3 Pedantic
4 Decadence
5 Cajole
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 Nothing he did could _____ her wrath; she was unforgiving. 1 Discerning
2 Sagacious
3 Hackneyed
4 Mitigate
5 Prolific
52 He is a powerful storyteller, but he is weakest when he attempts to _____ character. 1 Abrogate
2 Augment
3 Vilify
4 Delineate
5 Eclectic
53 He was so _____ in his youth that he has nothing left for his old age. 1 Sinecure
2 Reticence
3 Sagacious
4 Prodigal
5 Dilatory
54 His failure to notice his opponent's strength proved to be his _____. 1 Exonerate
2 Haughtiness
3 Stoic
4 Nemesis
5 Concur
55 Dave saw nothing _____ about wearing sneakers with his tuxedo. 1 Affirmation
2 Nominal
3 Concur
4 Incongruous
5 Fervor
56 She was slow to recover from her illness; even a short walk to the window left her _____d. 1 Embellish
2 Enervate
3 Ironic
4 Volatile
5 Corroborate
57 She was still angry despite his _____ words. 1 Piety
2 Nominal
3 Indolent
4 Vapid
5 Conciliatory
58 No matter how hard he tried, his efforts were _____. 1 Futile
2 Urbane
3 Capricious
4 Renounce
5 Pandemonium
59 The minister said that nothing should disturb the _____ of the marriage service. 1 Prevalent
2 Mitigate
3 Evanescent
4 Legacy
5 Solemnity
60 The reporter was so _____ in completing his assignment that he missed the deadline. 1 Exonerate
2 Dilatory
3 Incorrigible
4 Savory
5 Ambivalence
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 It was hard to _____ him from doing what we planned. 1 Opaque
2 Decadence
3 Didactic
4 Despot
5 Dissuade
62 The young man's belief in _____ led him to give up all responsibilities and requirements in pursuit of pleasure. 1 Unkempt
2 Protagonist
3 Hedonism
4 Notoriety
5 Censure
63 The real hero is modest, never _____. 1 Affirmation
2 Cajole
3 Ostentatious
4 Frivolity
5 Debilitate
64 The judge _____d the criminal for his evil deeds. 1 Berate
2 Equivocal
3 Decadence
4 Discerning
5 Explicit
65 The agents in charge of protecting the president tried to be as _____ as possible. 1 Unobtrusive
2 Perfunctory
3 Condone
4 Despot
5 Delineate
66 Seldom have I seen food and drink served in such _____ as at the wedding feast. 1 Esoteric
2 Evanescent
3 Spontaneous
4 Polyglot
5 Profusion
67 Her husband is rather coarse in manner but, in contrast, she is _____. 1 Urbane
2 Infiltrate
3 Grotesque
4 Converge
5 Spontaneous
68 The expression "he passed away" is a _____ for "he died". 1 Discordant
2 Extol
3 Euphemism
4 Sagacious
5 Subversive
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